Perpendicularly Magnetized L1_0-FePt / MgO Epitaxially grown on GaAs for Electrical Spin Injection
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2007-09-19
Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University
Takanashi Koki
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Takanashi Koki
Institute For Materials Research (imr) Tohoku University
Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
NITTA Junsaku
Department of Electronics, Kyushu University
KOHDA Makoto
Department of Materials Science, Tohoku University
OHTSU Akihiko
Department of Materials Science, Tohoku University
SEKI Takeshi
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Kohda Makoto
Department Of Materials Science Tohoku University
Fujita Asaya
Department Of Materials Science Tohoku University
Fujita Asaya
Department Of Aterials Science Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Nitta Junsaku
Department Of Electronics Kyushu University
Nitta Junsaku
Department Of Materials Science Tohoku University
Seki Takeshi
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Ohtsu Akihiko
Department Of Materials Science Tohoku University
Takanashi Koki
Institute for Material Research, Tohoku University
- Growth and Characterization of Ultrathin Fe Films on Molecule-Adsorbed MgO Surfaces
- Study of Strain and Giant Magnetoresistance of Co/Cu Magnetic Multilayers(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Effect of Pressure on the Giant Magnetoresistance in Co/Cu Magnetic Multilayers(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Magnetooptical Spectra in PtMnSb between 1.2 and 5.9 eV
- Magnetooptical Kerr Spectrometer for 1.2-5.9 eV Region and its Application to FePt/Pt Multilayers
- Magnetooptical Characterization of Cl_b-Type Heusler Compounds, Pt_Mn_Sb_(X=-0.1 and 0, 0.1)
- Effects of Room Temperature Heavy-Ion Irradiation on Magnetic and Electrical Properties of a Single Crystalline Iron Thin Film
- Spin Density Wave in Epitaxial Cr(001)/Sn and Cr(001)/Au Multilayers with Nonmagnetic Spacer Layers : Condensed Mater: Structure, etc.
- NMR Studies of VO_2 and V_W_XO_2
- Manipulating Spin-Orbit Interaction in Semiconductors(Advances in Spintronics)
- Perpendicularly Magnetized L1_0-FePt / MgO Epitaxially grown on GaAs for Electrical Spin Injection
- Lateral and vertical magnetic interaction in a submicron-sized Fe monolayer and a Fe/Au/Fe trilayer ring structure
- A Reductive Perturbation Approach to Hard-Mode Instabilities of Inverted-Type Bifurcations
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- Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity in insulating granular films under high pressure
- Electrical Transport and Optical Properties of Hydrogen-Deficient YH_2 Films
- Effect of Pressure on the Giant Magnetoresistance of Fe/Cr Magnetic Superlattices
- Martensitic Transformation in NiCoMnSn Metamagnetic Shape Memory Alloy Powders
- Control of Phase Transformation Temperatures by Substituents in Ni-Fe-Ga Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys
- Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in a Single-Variant Co-Ni-Al Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy
- Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy in a Single Crystal Fe-Ni-Ga Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy
- Large Interface Spin-Asymmetry and Magnetoresistance in Fully Epitaxial Co_2MnSi/Ag/Co_2MnSi Current-Perpendicular-to-Plane Magnetoresistive Devices
- Magnetization and Magnetoresistance of Fe/Gd Ferrimagnetic Multilayer Films
- Interface Magnetism in Fe/Mn Artificial Metallic Superlattice Investigated by ^Mn NMR
- Microscopic Magnetic Properties of Fe-V Metallic Superlattice Investigated from ^V NMR
- ^Co NMR Observation for Compound Formation at Interface of Co-Sb Multilayered Film
- Observation of ^V NMR in Multilayered Fe-V Film with Artificial Superstructure
- Magnetic Properties of L10 Ordered FePt Films Prepared on a Fe--Si--B--Nb--Cu Soft Magnetic Underlayer
- Anomalous Pressure Dependence of the Giant Magnetoresistance for Co/Cu Magnetic Multilayers
- Ferromagnetic Tunneling Effect in NiFe/GdO_x/Co and NiFe/AlO_x/Co Junctions made by Electron Beam Deposition
- Indirect Exchange Coupling between Co and Gd across Nonmagnetic Interlayers in Co/X/Gd/X Multilayers (X=Ag, Au and W)
- Antiferromagnetic Exchange Coupling and Magnetoresistance of Fe/Cr Multilayers : Influence of Third Elements in Cr Layers
- Relationship between Magnetoresistance and Lattice Uncertainty at the Interface in Sputtered Fe/Cr Multilayer Films
- Microstructure and Magnetic Properties for Highly Coercive FePt Sputtered Films
- Strong Pressure Effect on the Curie Temperature of Itinerant-Electron Metamagnetic La(Fe_Si_)_H_y and La_Ce_(Fe_Si_)_H_y
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- NMR Study of Bismuth-Substituted Yttrium Iron Garnets
- Giant Peltier Effect in a Submicron-Sized Cu-Ni/Au Junction with Nanometer-Scale Phase Separation
- Magneto-Optical Kerr Rotation of the PtMnSb Compound in a High Magnetic Field
- Annealing Effect of Magneto-Optical Kerr Rotation for PtMnSb Compound : Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and Devieces
- Concentration Dependence of Pressure Effect in La(Fe_xSi_)_ Compounds
- Preparation and Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect of PtMnSb/NiMnSb Multilayer Films
- Formation of Icosahedral Clusters and Spin Freezing in RE(Fe_Al_x)_ Amorphous Alloys
- Characterization of Different Solid Particles Transformed from Green Rust in Aqueous Solution-Using XRD, Mossbauer Spectroscopy, and XANES
- Effect of Spin Fluctuation on Magnetic Properties and Thermal Expansion of Y-Ni Amorphous Alloys
- Microstructure Affecting Magnetoresistance of a Cu75--Fe5--Ni20 Alloy
- Preparation of Highly-Oriented Co2MnSi Films on a Non-Single-Crystalline Substrate Using a Titanium--Nitride Buffer Layer
- Atomic Structures and Spin Fluctuations in Y-Ni Amorphous Alloys
- Giant Magnetic Entropy Change in Hydrogenated La(Fe_Si_)_H_y Compounds
- Origin of Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in Tb-Fe Amorphous Alloy
- Control of Working Temperature of Large Isothermal Magnetic Entropy Change in La(Fe_xTM_ySi_)_ (TM = Cr, Mn, Ni) and La_Ce_z(Fe_xMn_ySi_)_
- Enhancements of Magnetocaloric Effects in La(Fe_Si_)_ and Its Hydride by Partial Substitution of Ce for La
- Thermal Stability and Interdiffusion in Artificial L1_0-type Ordered AuFe Alloy Fabricated by Alternate Monatomic Deposition
- Coherent Layered Structures in Fe/Au Monatomic Multilayers with Addition of Fractional Atomic Layers
- Lateral and Vertical Magnetic Interactions in Submicron-Sized Fe Ring Arrays and Fe/Au/Fe Trilayer Ring Structures
- Nanogranular GMR Ag_Co_ Thin Films for Rotating Angle Sensor at High Temperatures
- Structural Study of Amorphous La(Co_TM_x)_ Alloys by X-ray Diffraction
- Anisotropic Weak Anti-Localization under In-Plane Magnetic Field and Control of Dimensionality via Spin Precession Length (Special Issue : Solid State Devices and Materials (2))
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- Concentrated Spin-Glass Behavior and Thermal Expansion Anomaly in Amorphous Y-Fe Alloys
- Spin–Orbit Interaction in an In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.7Ga0.3As Shallow Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Located 5 nm below InP Surface Barrier
- Anomalous Nernst Effect in an L10-Ordered Epitaxial FePt Thin Film
- Magnetic Anisotropy and Chemical Order of Artificially Synthesized L10-Ordered FeNi Films on Au--Cu--Ni Buffer Layers
- Effect of Pressure on the Spin-Dependence of Electrical Resistivity in Fe/Cr Magnetic Multilayers
- Anomalous Nernst Effect in an L1_0-Ordered Epitaxial FePt Thin Film
- MgO Layer Thickness Dependence of Structure and Magnetic Properties of L1_{0}-FePt/MgO/GaAs Structures
- Anisotropy and Damping in Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 via Electrical Detection of Ferromagnetic Resonance
- Electrical Transport and Optical Properties of Hydrogen-Deficient YH2 Films
- Electrical Detection of Propagating Spin Waves Controlled by a Local Magnetic Field Induced by a DC Current
- High Remanent Magnetization of $L1_{0}$-Ordered FePt Thin Film on MgO/(001) GaAs
- Anomalous Nernst Effect in L1
- Erratum: ``Anomalous Nernst Effect in an L1
- Magneto-Optical Properties and Size Effect of Ferromagnetic Metal Nanoparticles
- Magneto-Optical Properties and Size Effect of Ferromagnetic Metal Nanoparticles
- Anomalous Nernst Effect in L1_0-FePt/MnGa Thermopiles for New Thermoelectric Applications