Department of Electrical Engineering Nagoya University | 論文
- Prospective Electrocardiogram-Gated Axial 64-Detector Computed Tomographic Angiography vs Retrospective Gated Helical Technique to Assess Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Anastomosis : Comparison of Image Quality and Patient Radiation Dose
- Beam-Profile Control Using an Octupole Magnet
- Research for switching phenomena in university
- Experiment of Double Resonance Parametric Process in a Plasma
- Identification of Drift-Cyclotron Loss-Cone Instability in a Plasma and Suppression by Radio-Frequency Field
- Plasma Confinement by Surface Magnetic Field
- Stabilization of Drift-Cyclotron Loss-Cone Instability of Plasmas by High Frequency Field
- Enhancement of Second-Harmonic Generation in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals with a Helical Structure Distorted by an Electric Field
- Grazing Incidence In-Plane X-Ray Diffraction Study on Oriented Copper Phthalocyanine Thin Films
- 分極反転層を利用したハーモニックイメージング用高周波超音波トランスデューサ
- PE06 非線形第2高調波を受波できる超音波集束ガウス音源(ポスターセッションI)
- Space- and Time-Resolved Measurements of Negative Ions in a Pulsed Inductively-Coupled Plasma in Chlorine
- A New Technology for Negative Ion Detection and the Rapid Electron Cooling in a Pulsed High-Density Etching Plasma
- Differential Roles of Signaling Pathways for Proliferation and Migration of Rat Pancreatic Stellate Cells
- Establishment and Characterization of a Simian Virus 40-Immortalized Rat Pancreatic Stellate Cell Line
- Spinal Epidural Granulocytic Sarcoma in a Child Precedent to Clinical Manifestation of Acute Myeloid Lymphoma : Case Report
- Hydrogen-Reduced Carbonization by Acetylene Discharges
- Discharge Properties in Low Vacuum Region of Vacuum Interrupter Filled with SF_6 Gas
- Discharge Properties and Emitted Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum in Low Vacuum Region of Vacuum Interrupter
- In vivo antimalarial activity of aqueous extracts from Kenyan medicinal plants and their interactions with chloroquine