Department of Electrical Engineering Nagoya University | 論文
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Monolayer Pit Formation on the HOPG Surface Using Oxygen Plasma and Thermal Oxidation
- Characteristics of DC-Voltage Surface Modification of Graphite Using Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- パラメトリック受波器実用化への問題 : 空中マイクロホンを通しての検討
- パラメトリックパルスの特性と信号伝送への応用
- 平面波の自己復調 : 広帯域信号伝送のための1次波変調方式の検討
- 空気中における縮退したパラメトリック音源に関する研究
- 縮退したパラメトリック増幅に関する実験的検討
- Electron-Impact Dissociation of Methane into CH_3 and CH_2 Radicals : II. Absolute Cross Sections
- Electron-Impact Dissociation of Methane into CH_3 and CH_2 Radicals : I. Relative Cross Sections
- Dissociative Ion Yields on Metal Surfaces Bombarded with Low-Energy Fluorocarbon Ions
- Observation of Ion Scattering from Metal Surfaces Bombarded with Low-Energy Hydrocarbon Ions
- Differential roles of the SPINK1 gene mutations in alcoholic and nonalcoholic chronic pancreatitis
- Generation of a Large Electron Beam for Plasma Processing
- Formation of CH Radical by Surface Bombardment in a Methane/Argon DC Discharge
- RF Plasma Production at Ultralow Pressures with Surface Magnetic Confinement
- Plasma insulin-like growth factor-1, testosterone and morphological changes in the growth of captive agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) from birth to adolescence
- Cylindrical Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Plasmas
- Propagatin of the Cylindrical Ion-Beam Modes in a Double Plasma
- Stabilization of Optical Interferometry for Steady Measurements
- Improvements of Detections of Fringe Shifts by a Ne-He Laser Interferometer