Department of Electrical Engineering Nagoya University | 論文
- On the Propagation of Backward Surface Wave along an Annular-plasma Guide
- 2A04 Alignment Control by Rubbing/Photoalignment Double Treatment
- Liquid Crystals Align Liquid Crystals : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- Spatial Evolution of the Ion Acoustic Instability in a Weakly Ionized Plasma
- Observation of Ion Acoustic Wave by Microwave Scattering Method
- Observation of Angular Spectrum of Ion Wave Turbulence
- Distribution Measurement in k-Space of Ion Acoustic Wave by Microwave Scattering
- Observation of Nonlinear Decay of Ion Acoustic Wave by Microwave Scattering Method
- Observation of Ion Acoustic Wave by Microwave Scattering Method
- Distribution in k-Space of Ion Acoustic Wave Excited in a Positive Column
- Modulational Instability and Envelope-Solitons for Nonlinear Alfven Waves Propagating along the Magnetic Field in Plasmas
- Modified Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation for Alfven Waves Propagating along the Magnetic Field in Cold Plasmas
- Holding Mechanism Using a Resonance System for a High-Power Ultrasonic Linear Motor
- Waveforms of the Vibration Velocity and the Current of a Piezoelectric Transducer in the Transient State
- An Analysis of Jumping and Dropping Phenomena of Piezoelectric Transducers using the Electrical Equivalent Circuit Constants at High Vibration Amplitude Levels
- An estimation of vibration intensity from the measured vibration locus at one point
- A method for measuring liquid level using the flexural vibrations in a rod
- Effects of Elliptical Nature of Rotating Electric Field on Partial Discharge Pattern in a Three-phase Construction
- Recent Trend of Partial Discharge Measurement Technique using UHF Electromagnetic Wave Detection Method
- Wall Heating Effect on Crystallization of Low-Temperature Deposited Silicon Films from an Inductuvely-Coupled Plasma