Department of Electrical Engineering Nagoya University | 論文
- Lower Temperature Deposition of Polycrystalline Silicon Films from a Modified Inductively Coupled Silane Plasma
- Penetrating Injury of the Upper Cervical Spine by a Chopstick : Case Report
- Simultaneous Cranial and Spinal Subdural Hematoma : Case Report
- Observation of Line Splitting on Tonks-Dattner Resonances
- Hereditary Pancreatitis as the Premalignant Disease : A Japanese Case of Pancreatic Cancer Involving the SPINK1 Gene Mutation N34S
- Drastic Change in CF_2 and CF_3 Kinetics Induced by Hydrogen Addition into CF_4 Etching Plasma
- Spatial Distribution and Surface Loss of CF_3 and CF_2 Radicals in a CF_4 Etching Plasma
- Two-Dimensional Distributions of Ti and Ti^+ Densities in High-Pressure Magnetron Sputtering Discharges
- Estimation of Carbon Fluxes Interchanging between Chamber Wall and Gas Phase in Fluorocarbon Plasmas
- Synthesis of Heavy Carbon Clusters by Laser Ablation in Vacuum
- Role of Reaction Products in F^- Production in Low-Pressure, High-Density CF_4 Plasmas
- Diagnostics of Fluorine Negative Ions by Laser Photodetachment Combined with a Heated Probe in High-Density CF_4 Plasmas
- Radial Density Profile of Microwave Plasma for Wall Conditioning in a Purely Toroidal Magnetic Field (小特集 粒子・熱制御とプラズマ対向材料研究の進展--IEA/TEXTOR共同研究の成果と現状)
- High Speed Cleaning of Boronized Wall with a CF_4 Containing Plasma
- Rapid Cleaning of Boronized Walls with a Chlorine/Hydrogen Glow Discharge
- Propagation of a Coherent Ion Acoustic Wave through Ion Wave Turbulence
- Experimental Study of the Spectral Characteristics of a High Power, Pulsed D_2O Laser for Application to Plasma Diagnostics
- Numerical Analysis on Linear Resonant Absorption in Plasmas
- Measurement of Localized Electrostatic Oscillations Excited by Low-Power Microwaves in a Plasma Waveguide