Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science And Technology Keio University | 論文
- Linear Conductance through Parallel Quantum Dot Dimer below the Kondo Temperature
- Conductance through Quantum Dot Dimer Below the Kondo Temperature
- Studies of Charging Effects on Resonant Tunneling Diodes in Terms of Extended Friedel Sum Rule
- Phase Shifts, the Friedel Sum Rule, Resonant Tunneling through Asymmetric Potentials
- Quantum Size Effects in Light Absorption Spectra of Magnetite Fine Particles Dispersed in Magnetic Fluids
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on Agglomeration of Magnetic Colloidal Particles in Magnetic Fluids
- Field Dependence of Magnetic Birefringence of Magnetic Fluid in Low-Magnetic-Field Region
- Temperature and Concentration Dependence of Magnetic Birefringence of Magnetic Fluids
- Resistivity Anomalies in Pb_Ge_xTe at Low Temperatures
- Electrical Properties and Energy Spectrum of In-Doped Pb_Ge_xTe
- Energy Surfaces and Domain Structure of Pb_Ge_xTe in the Rhombohedral Phase
- Magnetic Structures of GdCu_Zn_x System
- Magnetoelastic Properties of CeP Studied by Thermal Expansion and Magnetostriction
- Mossbauer Studies on the Tellurium-Selenium Mixed Chains
- Electrical Properties of Liquid Te-Se Mixtures at High Temperatures and High Pressures
- Electrical Resistivity of Liquid Te, Ga_2 Te_3, In_2Te_3 and Tl_2 Te under High Pressure
- Photonic Bands Using Vector Spherical Waves : IV. Analogy of Optics of Photonic Crystals to That of Anisotropic Crystals
- Metal-Nonmetal Transitions in Expanded Fluids : Electronic and Thermodynamic Properties
- Rate Enhancement of Lipase-catalyzed Reaction in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
- Numerical Study of the Finger Instability in Wetting Phenomena:Growth of the Fingers