Department Of Pharmacognosy Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto University | 論文
- Effect of Moisture on Impact Toughness of Sugar-Coated Tablets Manufactured by the Dusting Method
- Improvement of Impact Toughness of Sugar-Coated Tablets Manufactured by the Dusting Method
- Antiallergic Effect of Apple Polyphenols on the Allergic Model Mouse
- 市販食用緑色3号中の付随色素の構造解析
- Relationship Between Cardiac Glycoside Contents and Color of Corchorus olitorius Seeds
- 遺伝子組換えとうもろこしCBH351のBNラット並びにB10Aマウスへの90日間混餌投与による免疫系への影響
- Chemoprevention of Tumor Metastasis by Liposomal β-Sitosterol Intake(Molecular and Cell Biology)
- LC/MSによる5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate Synthaseの酵素活性の測定
- Hydrocarbon Productions in Hexane Solutions of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters Irradiated with Gamma Rays
- 遺伝子組換え食品導入蛋白質(CP4-EPSPS, Cry1Ab)の熱感受性並びにin vitro 分解性試験
- Identification of Irradiation of Boned Chicken by Determination of o-Tyrosine and Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometry
- Evaluation of Several Dosimeters for Identification of Irradiated Foods Using a 5 MeV Electron Beam
- Capability for Identification of Gamma-Irradiated Bovine Liver by New High Sensitivity Comet Assay
- Detection of Irradiation of Meats by HPLC Determination for o-Tyrosine Using Novel LASER Fluorometric Detection with Automatic Pre-column Reaction
- 遺伝子組換え, 非組換え大豆のマウス, ラットへの混餌投与による免疫系への影響
- Blockade by NIP-142, an Antiarrhythmic Agent, of Carbachol-Induced Atrial Action Potential Shortening and GIRK1/4 Channel
- Studies on perilla, agarwood, and cinnamon through a combination of fieldwork and laboratory work
- Production of agarwood fragrant constituents in Aquilaria calli and cell suspension cultures
- Pharmacological Properties of Traditional Medicine(30)Effects of Gyokuheifusan (玉屏風散) on Murine Antigen-Specific Antibody Production
- Preventive and Curative Effects of Gyokuheifu-san, a Formula of Traditional Chinese Medicine, on Allergic Rhinitis Induced with Japanese Cedar Pollens in Guinea Pig (Pharmacognosy)