Department Of Electronics Nagoya University | 論文
- Measurement of Visible Emission Profiles of JFT-2M Tokamak H-mode Plasmas with Thomson Scattering Apparatus
- Brillouin Scattering of Thermal Phonons in CdS
- Determination of the Absolute Values of Energy Density of Acoustoelectrically Built-Up Phonons in CdS by Brillouin Scattering
- Preparation of Al-Pd-Mn Quasicrystal Films by Laser Ablation Method
- Spectrum Analysis of Recorded Magnetization Using Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Effect of Channel Implantation on the Device Performance of Low Temperature Processed Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors
- Formation of Metastable State Molecular Ions by Electron Impact of N_2, CO, O_2 and NO
- Space-Resolved Measurement of Electron Density by Neutral Li Beam Probing in NBT
- Measurement of the Magnetic Field in a Plasma Using an Impurity Probe Spectroscopy
- The Hydrogen Balmer-α Line Profile in RF-Discharge Plasmas
- Plasma Diagnostics by Neutral Beam Probing
- Comparison of the Fluorine Atom Density Measured by Actinometry and Vacuum Ultraviolet Absorption Spectroscopy
- Decay Processes of Electrons in the Afterglow of High-Density CF_4, c-C_4F_8 and CF_4-H_2 Plasmas
- Characteristic Variation of Niobium Powder Produced under Various Reduction Temperature and Amount of Reductant Addition
- Collisional Quenching of C_2(d^3Π_g) and C^3(A^1〜Π_u) and Its Application to the Estimation of Absolute Particle Density in Laser-Ablation Carbon Plumes
- Secondary Electron Ejection from Contaminated Metal Surface by He and Ar Atoms
- Effect of Magnetic Field on Density Distribution of Injected Plasma in Semiconductor Rods
- Density Distributions of Injected Plasma along the Length of Semiconductor Rods
- Computer Simulation of Tunneling Transfer and Formation of Resonant States in a GaAs/AlGaAs 2 Dimensional Electron Gas Disk
- Observation of Stark Spectra of Argon High Rydberg States in Well-Defined Electric Fields by Laser-Induced Fluorescence-Dip Spectroscopy