Department Of Chemical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University | 論文
- 軽質ナフサからの芳香族製造(第4報)白金担持L型ゼオライト上でのヘキサン転化反応速度
- マイクロエマルションを利用して調製した Rh-SiO_2触媒の特徴 - 吸着 CO の挙動からの検討 -
- 軽質ナフサからの芳香族炭化水素の製造 (第3報) ZnH-ZSM-5の触媒性能および安定性に及ぼす予備硫化処理の影響
- MFI型Ga-シリケート中のGaの存在状態と触媒性能
- Evaluation of a bioreactor with stacked sheet shaped organoids of primary hepatocytes(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Hepatic Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells in a Three-Dimensional Culture System Using Polyurethane Foam(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Application of association model for solubilities of alkali metal chloride in water vapor at high temperatures and pressures
- BP-P3 Retroviral gene transfer to chickens for the production of pharmaceutical proteins into eggs(Section II Biopharmaceuticals Production)
- Retroviral Gene Transduction into Chicken Embryo Gonads through Blood Circulation(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Production of Recombinant Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor/Fc Fusion Protein by Genetically Manipulated Chickens(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- Transport of Human Immunoglobulin G and Fc-Fusion Proteins to Chicken Egg Yolk(BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING)
- Production of scFv-Fc Fusion Protein Using Genetically Manipulated Quails(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Characterization of Transient Expression System for Retroviral Vector Production(MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Production of Anti-CD2 Chimeric Antibody by Recombinant Animal Cells(CELL AND TISSUE ENGINEERING)
- Production of Anti-Prion scFv-Fc Fusion Proteins by Recombinant Animal Cells
- Evaluation of instability after transtrochanteric anterior rotational osteotomy for nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head
- Increased Electron Concentration in InAs/AlGaSb Heterostructures Using a Si Planar Doped Ultrathin InAs Quantum Well
- 白金あるいは酸化ガリウム(III)を担持した種々のゼオライト類縁物質によるブタンのイソブテンへの直接転化反応
- Stabilization of Carboxylate Anion with a NH・・・O Hydrogen Bond : Facilitation of the Deprotonation of Carboxylic Acid by the Neighboring Amide NH Groups
- Close Packed Layer Structures of NiTi Martensite