大阪社会医療センター | 論文
- 四塩化炭素肝障害における肝類洞内皮細胞の血小板活性化因子およびインターロイキン1の産生能
- Effect of OK-432 on production of interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor by mouse Kupffer cells.
- The protective effects of Sho-saiko-to in an experimental, immunologically-induced allergic hepatic cell injury.
- Effect of interferon .ALPHA. or .BETA. on prstaglandin E2 synthesis by mouse Kupffer cells.
- 愛隣地区のアルコ-ル多飲慢性肝疾患患者におけるHB抗原・抗体系について--同地区慢性肝疾患の病因に関する検討
- False-positive findings of hepatitis C virus antibody in alcoholic hepatits checked by use of the polymerase chain reaction to amplify HCV-RNA.
- Recombinant human interleukin 2 treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection.
- Estradiol binding capacity of periferal blood mononuclear cells from asymptomatic HBV carriers.
- Quantification analysis of prognostic factors in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated by transcatheter arterial embolization.
- Evaluation of portal circulation by oral administration of capsule enclosing Tc-99m pertechnetate.
- Immunohistochemical study of cholestatic factor in the liver of patients with various liver diseases by monoclonal antibody.
- Detection of the cholestatic factor in the serum of patients with acute intrahepatic cholestasis by ELISA.
- Augmentation of drug-induced lymphocyte transformation by indomethacin in patients with drug-induced allergic hepatitis.
- Effects of cholestatic factor and prostaglandin E1 derivative on the level of cAMP in isolated hepatocytes of rats.
- A clinicopathological study on 11 patients with drug-induced acute hepatic failure.
- A report on patient with acute fatty liver of pregnancy who survived together with her child.
- Per-rectal portal scintigraphy for the evaluation of portal circulation in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
- 赤痢アメーバ症10例の臨床的検討-男性同性愛好者の感染-
- Studies of differentiation between rats and guinea pigs on immunoglobulin-A excretion into bile.
- Changes in lymphokine-activated killer cell (LAK) activity in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after transcatheter arterial embolization.