北海道大学小児科 | 論文
- アンギオテンシン変換酵素阻害剤の増量が有効であった拡張型心筋症の1例
- 免疫グロブリン療法の基礎と臨床
- 札幌市におけるタンデム質量分析計による新生児マス・スクリーニングの5年4か月間の実施成績
- Cytochrome-bの波形異常を認めた慢性肉芽腫症(CGD)の一男児例
- 胎児心拍パターンから胎児QT延長症候群が疑われた1例
- 埼玉からこんにちは
- Natural killer (NK) activity and NK related surface markers in the patients with primary immunodeficiencies
- Heterogeneity of B cell abnormality in 13 patients with primary a/hypo-gammaglobulinemia.
- Evaluation of immunoregulatory T cell activity in common variable immunodeficiency by using Staphylococcus aureus Cowan 1
- Luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (CL) in whole blood:1. Analyses of the CL kinetics
- Effect of Bisoprolol as a .BETA.-Adrenoceptor Antagonist for Pediatric Patients.
- The effect of recombinant interleukin 2 on the in vitro primary response of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to sheep red blood cells.
- Immunologic reconstitution by immune organ transplantation in immunodeficiency disease:especially on the present status in Japan
- The opsonizing activity to Streptococcus pneumoniae type I in patients with immunodeficiencies during immunoglobulin replacement therapy
- Expression of IL2 receptor (Tac antigen) in primary immunodeficiency diseases
- 病態および治療 3.その他 1)くる病と骨軟化症
- Luminol-dependent chemiluminescence in whole blood:II. The analysis of responses in the various kinds of disease