Sato Masashi | Department Of Applied Biological Science Kagawa University
Sato Masashi
Department of Applied Biological Science, Kagawa University
UCHIDA Hirohisa
Department of Applied Physics、Faculty of Engineering, Tokai University
Uchida Hirohisa
Department Of Applied Physics
Seki Satoru
Department Of Applied Physics Tokai University
Seta Shoji
Telecom System Lsi Departmenti Network & Telecom System Lsi Division Toshiba Corporation
Yamasaki Toru
Department Of Applied Biological Science Kagawa University
SATO Motoyasu
National Insitute for Fusion Science
Sato Motoyasu
Plasma Physics Laboratory Kyoto University
Sato M
National Insitute For Fusion Science
Department of Applied Physics、Faculty of Engineering, Tokai University
- D-Ribose Competitively Reverses Inhibition by D-Psicose of Larval Growth in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Reconstitution of the Immune System after Murine Allogeneic Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation
- 1P-206 モルモット盲腸筋層間神経叢培養グリア細胞の受容体、イオンチャネル及び膜電位に対する神経伝達物質の作用(神経・感覚(細胞・膜蛋白質・分子),第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 希土類型水素貯蔵合金の水素吸収における反応速度論的研究
- ニッケル水素電池用水素貯蔵合金の水素化特性に表面汚染が及ぼす影響
- Structural Transformation on the Pressure-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in PrFe_4P_(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- Pd-H系における平衡水素吸収反応
- Histological studies of deciduous teeth with dentinogenesis imperfecta in two siblings
- Potential anthelmintic : D-psicose inhibits motility, growth and reproductive maturity of L1 larvae of Caenorhabditis elegans
- Potential anthelmintics : polyphenols from the tea plant Camellia sinensis L. are lethally toxic to Caenorhabditis elegans