KOMATSU Yasuhiro | Central Research Laboratories, Tsumura & Co.
KOMATSU Yasuhiro
Central Research Laboratories, Tsumura & Co.
Komatsu Yasuhiro
Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co
Ishige Atsushi
Center For Kampo Medicine Keio University School Of Medicine
Ishige Atsushi
Kampo Pharmacology Department Ii Pharmacognosy Laboratory
Kase Yoshio
国立長寿医療センター研究所 老年病研究部
Kase Yoshio
Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co.
Kase Yoshio
Central Research Laboratory Tsumura & Co.
Ishige Atsushi
北陸大学 薬 薬物治療
Iizuka A
Central Research Laboratories Tsumura & Co
石毛 敦
株式会社ツムラ 研究本部 医薬評価研究所
- Pharmacological Studies of the Effect of Dai-kenchu-to on Spontaneous Contraction of Isolated Rabbit Jejunum
- Effects of Dai-kenchu-to on Intestinal Obstruction Following Laparotomy
- Effects of Hange-shashin-to on Cholera Toxin-Induced Fluid Secretion in the Small Intestine of Rats
- The Effects of Hange-shashin-to on the Content of Prostaglandin E_2 and Water Absorption in the Large Intestine of Rats
- Inhibitory Effect of Coptidis Rhizoma and Scutellariae Radix on Azoxymethane-Induced Aberrant Crypt Foci Formation in Rat Colon
- The Effects of Hange-shashin-to on Gastric Function in Comparison with Sho-saiko-to
- Preventive Effects of Hange-shashin-to on Irinotecan Hydrochloride-Caused Diarrhea and Its Relevance to the Colonic Prostaglandin E_2 and Water Absorption in the Rat
- Reduced reactivity of pancreatic exocrine secretion in response to gastrointestinal hormone in WBN/Kob rats
- Development of Pancreatic Function and Pathohistology in WBN/Kob Rats Using a Special Breeding Diet
- Anti-type I Allergic Mechanisms of Mao-bushi-saishin-to in Mice