Taya K | Dep. Of Basic Veterinary Sci. The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu Univ.
- 同名の論文著者
- Dep. Of Basic Veterinary Sci. The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu Univ.の論文著者
Taya K
Dep. Of Basic Veterinary Sci. The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu Univ.
Taya Kazuyoshi
Watanabe Gen
Lab. Of Veterinary Physiology Dep. Of Veterinary Medicine Fac. Of Agriculture Tokyo Univ. Of Agricul
Taya K
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo
Watanabe Gen
岐阜大学 連合獣医学研究科基礎獣医学
Taya K
Laboratory Of Veterinary Physiology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo U
Taya K
Laboratory Of Veterinary Physiology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Tokyo University Of Agricultur
Taya Kazuyoshi
Taya Kazuyoshi
Laboratory Of Veterinary Physiology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo U
Taya Kazuyoshi
岐阜大学 連合獣医学研究科基礎獣医学
- Changes in plasma gonadotropins, inhibin and testosterone concentrations and testicular gonadotropin receptor mRNA expression during testicular active, regressive and recrudescent phase in the captive Japanese black bear (Ursus thibetanus japonicus)
- Screening of toxicological properties of 4-methylbenzoic acid by oral administration to rats
- Formation of Primordial Follicles and Immunolocalization of PTEN, PKB and FOXO3A Proteins in the Ovaries of Fetal and Neonatal Pigs
- The Effects of Prolactin and Gonadotropin on Luteal Function and Morphology in the Cyclic Golden Hamster
- Seasonal Changes in Spermatogenesis and Immunolocalization of Cytochrome P450 17α-Hydroxylase/c17-20 Lyase and Cytochrome P450 Aromatase in the Wild Male Ground Squirrel (Citellus dauricus Brandt)
- Profiles of Circulating Steroid Hormones, Gonadotropins, Immunoreactive Inhibin and Prolactin During Pregnancy in Goats and Immunolocalization of Inhibin Subunits, Steroidogenic Enzymes and Prolactin in the Corpus Luteum and Placenta
- Protective Effect of Quercetin on the Reproductive Toxicity of 4-nitrophenol in Diesel Exhaust Particles on Male Embryonic Chickens
- Effect of NGF on the Motility and Acrosome Reaction of Golden Hamster Spermatozoa In Vitro
- Effects of 3-Methyl-4-nitrophenol on the Suppression of Adrenocortical Function in Immature Male Rats(Miscellaneous)
- Effect of Methimazole-induced Hypothyroidism on Adrenal and Gonadal Functions in Male Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica)