琉球医学会 | 論文
- [原著]Epidemiological Study of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Six Hospitals in Okinawa
- [原著]Atrophic changes in the retinal pigment epithelium after macular hole surgery using an indocyanine green dye
- [原著]Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Version of Physical Restraint Use Questionnaire
- [原著]Unbalanced distribution of health sector human resources and malfunctioning of peripheral health services in Lao P.D.R. : Analysis of the causes and possible solutions
- [症例報告]Apocrine Carcinoma of the Breast : A Case Report with Immunohistochemical Study
- [総説]The role of fibrinolytic enzymes in in flammatory process of the upper airway and control of the inflammation by antiplasminic agents
- [症例報告]胸腺腫に慢性気道性疾患を合併した2症例
- [症例報告]Renal papillary necrosis : An autopsy case report and a brief review of the literature
- [総説]細菌性赤痢の病態形成における感染と宿主応答の分子機構
- [原著]Historical Considerations Concerning Development of Statistics in Mediaeval Japan and Statistical Controversies in 19th Century Japan : Seen through the User's Eyes
- [原著]Exposure of threony 1 residue at position 10 in fibrinopeptide A is essential to the recognition by habutobin
- [総説]The roles of alveolar type II epithelial cells in acute lung injury and repair
- Effects of anti-stigma-focused lecture on recognition of depression and its treatments among medical and non-medical university students
- [原著]Genetic influence of HLA-DR on longevity in Okinawan people
- [原著]生菌製剤の効果と作用機序に関する研究
- 二度の腫瘍切除を含む集学的治療で,長期生存が得られた肝内胆管癌の1例
- 琉球大学法医学講座における30年間の法医解剖の動向について
- [原著]Proteomic Changes in a Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cell Line Induced by an Effector Kinase of a Small G Protein Rap 2
- [原著]Measurement of a small amount of t-PA antigen in tissue extract derived from nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- [依頼総説]成人T細胞白血病・リンパ腫に対する現在の治療戦略