東京帝国大学地震研究所,Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University,地震研究所 | 論文
- Petrographic Notes on the Sedimentary Rocks of Southwest Sagami Province. (Part I.)
- Petrographic Notes on the Sedimentary Rocks of Southwest Sagami Province. (Part II)
- On the Geologic Structure of Ito District, Idu
- Explosive Activity of Volcano Kusatu-Sirane in October, 1932
- On Some Lavas of the Volcano Kusatu-Sirane, Koduke Province, Japan
- On Some Lavas of Volcano Huzi (Fuji)
- Petrology of Some Lavas of Volcano Asama, Sinano Province, Japan
- On the Omogo Acidic Rocks
- Petrographical Notes on the Dacitic Pumice from Kita Daito-zima (Kita Ooagari-zima), one of the Southwestern Islands of Japan
- On the Configurations of the Granite Masses and the Distribution of the Quaternary Volcanoes in the Tyugoku District, Japan.
- A Study of Displacements of Triangulation Points.
- Possibility of Free Oscillations of Strata excited by Seismic Waves. Part IV.
- Amplitudes of Dispersive Rayleigh-waves at Different Depths of a Body
- Energy Dissipation in Seismic Vibrations of a Framed Structure
- Periods and Amplitudes of Oscillations in L- and M-phases
- Vibrations of a Singled-storyed Framed Structure.
- Energy Dissipation in Seismic Vibrations of Actual Buildings
- On the Effect of Cyclones upon Sea Level
- Relation between Cyclone and Earthquake
- Relation between the Gravity Anomalies and the Corresponding Subterranean Mass Distribution. (VI.)