日本熱物性学会 | 論文
- 臭化メチルおよびヨウ化メチル蒸気の空気,窒素および酸素に対する拡散係数
- プロパンおよびプロピレンの空気,窒素および酸素に対する拡散係数
- ジメチルエーテルおよびジエチルエーテル蒸気の空気,窒素および酸素に対する拡散係数
- Ultrasonic Absorption Coefficient in NaNO3-MNO3(M: Li,K,Rb,Cs) Binary Melts.
- Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity of Intermetallic Compound TiAl Base Alloys.
- Ni矩形マイクロキャビティの垂直単色放射率
- 液滴振動法による表面張力測定における回転およびl=2,m=±2振動を抽出する手法の提案
- Calculation of Solubility of Organic Compounds in Supercritical CO2 based on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships
- Thermal properties at very low temperatures. From user's viewpoint.:from the user's standpoint
- レーザー誘起誘電泳動を用いた小型拡散センサーの開発
- Improved Technique for Measuring Total Hemispherical Emissivities of Metals at Low Temperatures.
- Specific Heat Capacity Measurements for Thin Plate Specimens by Thermal Radiation Heating.
- Forced Rayleigh Scattering Method.
- Prediction for the Thermophysical Properties of Pure Organic Compounds by the Group Contribution Methods.
- On Thermodynamic Database MALT2.
- Introduction of a response function method for analysis of functionally gradient materials.
- Combustion Engineering and Thermophysical Properties on Combustion.
- Infrared Radiation Thermometer for Laser Flash Thermal Diffusivity Measurements.
- Nonlinearity Effect of Radiation Thermometry in Laser Flash Thermal Diffusivity Measurements.
- Thermal Diffusivity of Pyroceram 9606.