新潟医療福祉大学 | 論文
- The Current State of Music Therapy in Niigata Prefecture and its Perspective Hereafter
- 乳房喪失者の語りに見る「乳房喪失」の意味 : そのライフストーリーに見られる重層的構造
- 保健医療福祉とリハビリテーションチーム(保健・医療・福祉の連携〜地域リハビリテーションにおけるチームアプローチ)
- A Triad of Limitations(Mini Symposium, 13th October,2002)
- The History of Physiotherapy and PT Education in the United Kingdom(Mini Symposium, 13th October,2002)
- 戦後の学校体育の潮流と現在の課題
- Electromyographic Analysis of Hip Abductor Muscles during Self Training
- Dynamic Analysis and Effectiveness Evaluation in Hemiplagic Patient with the Dream Plastic Ankle Foot Orthosis
- The effect of a university-based individualized balance retraining class on self-reported balance problems in people with and without a neurological diagnosis
- 巻頭言
- 看護学科開設に当たって : 時代に貢献する保健・医療・福祉の連携・融合教育を基盤に人間性、創造性の涵養と看護実践能力育成
- Laterality in Responce of Brain Activity during Mirror Therapy using Near-infrared Spectroscopy
- Management and Types of Sport Facilities from the Viewpoint of Consumer Service
- The Morphological Study of the Muscle Spindle in the EDL Muscle from Three Normal Pigs
- Comprehensible method to mental disorder through narrative : Howl's Moving Castle model
- The effectiveness of increasing interest to community resources and improvement of self-efficacy towards hospital discharge
- 発達障害児への音楽療法(
- 大学生の英語語彙力と英文読解に対する不安
- 超音波心臓診断法
- 「介護予防」のスタート : 新しく医療職に就く皆さんへ