新潟医療福祉大学 | 論文
- 保健・医療・福祉の一体的推進 : 県行政の立場から(保健・医療・福祉の連携〜地域リハビリテーションにおけるチームアプローチ)
- Music Therapy for the Elderly : Practical Examples at Care Port Sunayama
- 運動後の筋グリコーゲン再合成におけるフィードバック機構(ミニシンポジウム 2002 年 10 月 13 日)
- Determining the Affect of Evidence on Built Environments in Elder Care Facilities
- 大学体育における教育課程に関する研究 : 特にコンテンポラリースポーツの新たな試みについて
- The Characteristics of Apathy in University Students and Issues in Education The Effect on Clinical Training of Attitude and Results (GPA) Prior to Clinical Training, and Forecast Training Results
- The H. M. Frost's Legacy: Utah Paradigm of Skeletal Physiology : Note
- H. M. Frost's Legacy: The Utah Paradigm of Skeletal Physiology
- 保健・医療・福祉専門職の現状と課題
- インターディシプリナリーな研究・教育活動の推進を
- Morphological and Histological Changes of Sweet potato and Mino (wall of cattle stomach) during Low Temperature Steam Cooking.
- Change of Nutritional Components during Low Temperature Steam Cooking
- Genetic Recombination and Meiosis
- The road to future Food and Medicine
- Wiping Movement with Paper after the Excretion/Bowel movement : A Comparative Study between the Physically Unimpaired and Post-Stroke hemiplegic Patients
- Fertility Investigation in F1 Hybrid and Backcross Progeny of Cattle (Bos taurus) and Yak (B. gruniens) in Mongolia. : II. Little variation in gene products studied in male sterile and fertile animals.
- Some Causes of coming Improvements in Skeletal Physiology, its Research, and the Diagnosis, Study and Management of its Disorders.
- 新潟県における音楽療法の現況と今後の展望(
- An overview of e-Learning and its place in distance education in health
- E-health: Traditional Medical Practice is in Transition