教育哲学会 | 論文
- The process of becoming an Educater Socrates:How was it possible, the change from a student of Nature to an Educater ?
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- Formation (Bildung) and Education (Erziehung) in W. v. Humboldt's Educational Theory
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- Language, Rule, and Community:Elucidating Social=Educational Implications of the Discussions in Philosophy of Language
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- 書評 クラウス・モレンハウアー著 眞壁宏幹・今井康雄・野平慎二訳『回り道 : 文化と教育の陶冶論的考察』
- The Ten Pictures of the Cow and the Shepherd of Zen Buddhism and Life-long Integrated Self-directed Education
- "Les origines de la pensée chez l'enfant", du point de vue de l'enfant:La notion de "couple" (d'altérité)
- Contemporary Questions on Teaching Theory:A Study of the Formation and Development of Teaching Theory in Modern Times
- The Viewpoint of the Enlightenment in Herbart
- The Direction of Didactic Research in West Germany
- R. S. Peters' Plan of the "Philosophy of Education":The Foundations of the Analytic Philosophy of Education in Britain
- Existentialistic View of Man and Its Bearings on Educational Ideas