Formation (Bildung) and Education (Erziehung) in W. v. Humboldt's Educational Theory
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Humboldt, representative of the new humanism, approached the formation of man liberated from pre-modern social bonds from two sides : first under the aspect of individual formation (=Bildung) resulting from the interaction between man and his environment ; secondly by looking at the problem from the viewpoint of the education (=Erziehung) of the individual as a member of modern society thus raising the formation of the individual to the ideal of <I>Menschheit</I>. Humboldt was convinced that by studying the question of individual formation under those two aspects, it was possible to educate man as a constituent member of the human race while not isolating man from the individual and real development process. This paper attempts to clarify the modern meaning of Humboldt's theory of formation of man by examining the anthropological understanding of man which is the basis of this theory.<BR>His theory of the formation of man became a contributing factor in the theory which underlies modern public education in Germany.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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