The Viewpoint of the Enlightenment in Herbart
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The Enlightenment constitutes one of the dominant tendencies of intellectual life in eighteenth century Europe. Though the Enlightenment was soon rejected by Romanticism, especially in Germany, some individuals continued to develop the Enlightenment further with a critical point of view. One of them is Kant who developed the viewpoint of the Enlightenment through the three Critiques - the <I>Critique of Pure Reason</I> (1781), the <I>Critique of the Practical Reason</I> (1788) and the <I>Critique of Judgement</I> (1790) - in the field of philosophy, and another is Herbart who developed the same point of view in the field of education.<BR>For Herbart, therefore, the problem of the Enlightenment resolves itself into a theory of education. We can re-examine what is meant by '<I> Regierung</I>' and '<I>Unterrichr</I>' the two terms which characterize the pedagogy of Herbart, from the viewpoint of the Enlightenment. Moreover, Herbart attempts further to integrate intuition and understanding under the influence of Kant's 'aesthetic judgement'. We may interpret his attempts at integration under the following themes : <BR>1. The close relation between the ABC of intuition and mathematics ;2. The formation and development of aesthetic judgement ;3. The synthesis of theory and practice and educational tact.<BR>We may say, by way of conclusion, that man connot understand the philosophy and the educational thought of Herbart without considering his viewpoint of the Enlightenment.
- 教育哲学会の論文
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