Contemporary Questions on Teaching Theory:A Study of the Formation and Development of Teaching Theory in Modern Times
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The development of teaching theory in modern times can be said to be a process in which the educational meaning of instruction and its significance for personality development has become established by reason of the fact that it has been viewed not from the standpoint of pragmatism with its insistence that curriculum and learning are rooted in the necessities of everyday life but from the standpoint that the cultivation of the child's thinking and cognitive powers is its purpose. So, for example the pioneering achievement of Pestalozzi lies in the fact that he studied the cognitive process of children from the stage of intuition to that of conceptualization and formulation of laws and on this basis tried to clarify of the teaching. Accordingly, so far as the development of methodology is concerned, it is very undesirable that teaching methods, such as the lecture method, the discussion method, life learning, or systematic learning, are discussed as problems of learning and teaching types. One of the defects of the "new education" of postwar years was precisely this. The most important subject in teaching and learning theory today is not the laying of plans for the homogeneous development of the natural growth and life experience of children. It is rather the type of study that clarifies how the thinking process of children is qualitatively changed by teaching and by different types of theaching material.
- 教育哲学会の論文
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