教育哲学会 | 論文
- An Essay on the Norm for Moral Judgments in Dewey's Philosophy:As a Basis for Moral Education
- The Constructed Subject by Performativity of Language:With Reference to Judith Butler's Work
- Die teleologische Struktur in der Kantischen Erziehungslehre
- Die christliche Anschauung vom Mensche und die Innere Mission
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- Die 'Heilung' in der Erziehung:aus dem Gesichtspunkt des psychotherapeutischen Modells
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- Possibilities of Communicative Action in Educational Relationship:Toward a Human Self-Formation Theory of Reciprocal Recognition
- The Meaning of "Trust" in Contemporary Education:Centered around M. Buber
- Pestalozzi's View on "Effort":Centered around Über Barbarei und Kultur
- L'herméneutique de la perte d'identité:La théorie de l'identité chez Paul Ricoeur
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