Possibilities of Communicative Action in Educational Relationship:Toward a Human Self-Formation Theory of Reciprocal Recognition
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The present paper clarifies possibilities of communicative actions for education by considering the teacher-student relationships as intersection of a social dimension (institutional dimension) and an ontological dimension (a recognition dimension). Based on Habermas's communicative actions theory, Masschelein argues that proper educational actions are communicative actions because students will form themselves through "inter-subjectivity (Intersubjektivität)" of teacher-student relationship. In his theory, teachers and students are regarded as a symmetrical interaction. But, to realize educational actions as communicative actions, it is not enough to consider the teacher-student relationship as a symmetrical interaction. Teachers and students need the ontological recognition of each other. This is an important point of Honneth's mutual recognition theory which is derived from Habermas's "understanding (Verständigung)" concept. As Honneth suggests, self-confidence, self-respect, and self-esteem that we need to grow are produced by symmetrically inter-active relationships based on reciprocally ontological recognition. From the perspective of ontology, the inter-subjectivity of the teacher-student relationship is realized on the basis of reciprocally ontological recognition. One student's ontological recognition of himself/herself needs one teacher's ontological recognition of that student. If we want to understand educational actions as communicative actions, we must understand the importance of the reciprocally ontological recognition of both teachers as well as students.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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