Pestalozzi's View on "Effort":Centered around <I>Über Barbarei und Kultur</I>
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<I>Über Barbarei und Kultur</I> is an unfinished manuscript and gives the impression of being a continuation of one of Pestalozzi's main works, the <I>Nachforschungen</I> (1797). But despite the fact that it is an unfinished manuscript, it is an important work which cannot be overlooked because it contains many views which may be regarded as further developments of the <I>Nachforschungen</I>. In this paper the author concentrates on <I>Über Barbarei und Kultur</I> and investigates the view of "effort" taken therein. The paper adapts the following plan : <BR>Introduction <BR>I. Laziness and distorted effort<BR>II. True effort. (1) Culture ; (2) Effort towards refinement ; (3) Effort toward development of various faculties <BR>III. Incentives and foundations of effort Conclusion<BR>As H. Schonebaum mentions, Pestalozzi considered "effort" very important as some kind of touchstone for the development of the human nature. But what he consi ders as important is not merely effort in the sense of "being fervent, i.e. not being idle in pursuing some task". It is rather an effort which in addition can be regarded from a viewpoint of value, i.e. an effort toward "moral refinement". But this "effort" is not something heteronomous, forced on the individual from the outside, but something autonomous and subjective. According to Pestalozzi "the effort toward the development of various faculties" must be the necessary foundation of this "effort". Furthermore, in <I>Über Barbarei and Kultur</I> he also discusses the problem of "the incentives of effort" and it is interesting to note the view he takes in trying to organize these incentives by using a "technique", because this view is an important step in his attempt to formulate a "method".
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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