The process of becoming an Educater Socrates:How was it possible, the change from a student of Nature to an Educater ?
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the process of becoming an Educater Socrates, who was a student of Nature.<BR>Socrates criticized the theory of Anaxagoras. This suggests that in his study of Nature, Socrates holds a new idea which contains problems of man, and also overcomes the situation of sophism.<BR>But on the way, knowing the Delphic oracle, he stopped the study of Nature and devoted himself to the interpretation of this oracle. Then he began the dialogue. He applied to the dialogue "the ignorant consciousness about the genuine cause and reason" of which he awared in his study of Nature. Confirming the human ignorance by this way, he began the human-testing. But he was confronted with the dilemma, in which he had to bear the "Sophia", while he had to stop even this bearing and to rescue the "Polis" by awakening the people of "Polis".<BR>This dilemma makes Socrates a maieutic Educater.
- 教育哲学会の論文
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