Binding Characteristics and Dissociation Kinetics for Iron(II) Complexes with Seawater Extractable Organic Matter and Humic Substances in a Compost
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A steel-slag/compost fertilizer can be useful in supplying complex Fe(II) species to barren coastal regions. Seawater extractable organic matter (SWEOM) was examined for use as a novel chelator of Fe(II) in the compost. The dissociation kinetics for Fe(II)-SWEOM were evaluated, based on the rate of ligand-exchange with ortho-phenanthroline. The ΔH‡ for the Fe(II)-SWEOM (19 kJ mol^[-1]) was significantly smaller than the corresponding values for Fe(II) complexes with humic substances (27 kJ mol^[-1]), suggesting that the Fe(II)-SWEOM is kinetically less stable.
福嶋 正巳
Yamamoto Mitsuo
College Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
福嶋 正巳
Fukushima Masami
Division Of Sustainable Resources Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Hokkaido University
福嶋 正巳
Yamamoto Mitsuo
Coll. Of Arts And Sciences The Univ. Of Tokyo
IWAI Hisanori
Laboratory of Chemical Resources, Division of Sustainable Resources Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
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