A TVWS prototype achieving robust sensing of DTV, wireless microphone and radio signals (ソフトウェア無線)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2011-07-28
- Cross Layer Design of a Wireless Communication System in TV White Space
- Beamforming Based Coexistence Algorithm for Coupled Heterogeneous Networks on TVWS
- Robust Spectrum Sensing of DVB-T Signals
- Spectrum Sensing and Detection of PAL TV Signals
- Prioritized Aggregation for Compressed Video Streaming on mmWave WPAN Systems
- On Communication and Interference Range of Multi-Gbps Millimeter-Wave WPAN System
- IEEE 802.11af Standardization Activities: TV White Space Security Issues
- On the evaluation of the control mechanism for client devices in P802.11af (ソフトウェア無線)
- Introduction to IEEE SCC41 White Space Radio group (ソフトウェア無線)
- Standardization activities of IEEE 802.19 Task Group 1: wireless coexistence in the TV White Space (ソフトウェア無線)
- On the Efficiency of Dynamic Frequency Selection Based Coexistence Mechanisms for TV White Space Enabled Cognitive Networks in Japan
- Television white space (TVWS) geo-location database access by personal portable device (ソフトウェア無線)
- A TVWS prototype achieving robust sensing of DTV, wireless microphone and radio signals (ソフトウェア無線)
- A unified method of spectrum sensing for all analog TV signals (ソフトウェア無線)
- A TVWS Prototype Achieving Robust Sensing of DTV, Wireless Microphone and Radio Signals
- A Unified Method of Spectrum Sensing for all Analog TV Signals
- A Feasible Neighbor Discovery Algorithm for Coexistence Control System Over TVWS
- Coexistence Protocol Design for Autonomous Decision-Making Systems in TV White Space
- TV White Space Technology Trial for The NICT TV Band Device Prototype (ソフトウェア無線)
- An Enhanced Feature Detection Method for DTV Signals by Detecting Aggregation of Correlation Peaks (ソフトウェア無線)
- BS-3-41 Homogeneous Coexistence for Smart Utility Networks(BS-3. Management and Control Technologies for Innovative Networks)
- B-8-9 TVWS Device Location Information and Geolocation Database
- A Low-Energy Synchronization Mechanism for Smart Utility Networks Operating in TV White Space
- A resource allocation algorithm for WLAN and WRAN system coexistence in TVWS
- Coexistence of Secondary User Networks under Primary User Constraints in TV White Space
- 高度電波監理技術を用いたスマートユーティリティネットワーク(コグニティブ無線ネットワーク,クロスレイヤ技術)
- Interference Mitigation Capability of a Low Duty DS-Multiband-UWB System in Realistic Environment
- Coexistence of TVWS Secondary Networks via Optimum and Sub-optimum Power Selection Strategies
- Available channels determination and white space DB query method (ソフトウェア無線)
- A Distributed Sensing and Caching Database for Cognitive Radio Systems
- Hidden Node due to Multiple Transmission Power Level for White Space Radio Operating in the TV Bands
- Proposal and Implementation of a Robust Sensing Method for DVB-T Signal
- A Complete Design of Coexistence Information Service for Autonomous Decision-Making Systems in TV White Space
- Sensing Methods for Detecting Analog Television Signals
- A Complete Design of Coexistence Information Service for Autonomous Decision-Making Systems in TV White Space
- An Enhanced Feature Detection Method for DTV Signals by Detecting Aggregation of Correlation Peaks
- TV White Space Technology Trial for The NICT TV Band Device Prototype
- Introduction to Recent Activities in IEEE 802.22 Standardization
- Broadband Indoor TVWS Channel Measurement and Characterization at 670 MHz
- Television White Space Channel Measurement and Characterization in Short-Range Outdoor Environment
- Proposal and Hardware Implementation of a DTV Sensing Method Robust to Adjacent Channel Interference
- Proposal and Hardware Performance of an Enhanced Feature Detection Method for OFDM Signals of Digital TV Standards
- Hidden Node due to Multiple Transmission Power Level for White Space Radio Operating in the TV Bands
- Proposal and Hardware Implementation of a DTV Sensing Method Robust to Adjacent Channel Interference
- Television White Space Channel Measurement and Characterization in Short-Range Outdoor Environment
- Broadband Indoor TVWS Channel Measurement and Characterization at 670MHz
- Introduction to Recent Activities in IEEE 802.22 Standardization