Prognostic classification of thyroid follicular cell tumors using Ki-67 labeling index: Risk stratification of thyroid follicular cell carcinomas [Review]
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This review emphasizes that the so-called high-risk thyroid carcinoma is not a distinct tumor entity, but a group of tumors with different histologies. High-grade histological features, such as tumor necrosis, increased mitoses, and nuclear pleomorphism, together with high Ki-67 labeling index (more than 10%), are good indicators of high-risk thyroid carcinoma and suggest a possible risk for anaplastic transformation. This review proposes the stratification of patients with thyroid carcinoma into low-, moderate-, and high-risk groups based on Ki-67 labeling index, which should be useful for the clinical management of patients, even after initial surgery. Currently, both the aggressive variant of papillary carcinoma and poorly differentiated carcinoma are aggressively treated by a completion of total thyroidectomy with prophylactic lymph node dissection followed by radioactive iodine treatment. Therefore, patients with moderate-risk or high-risk thyroid carcinoma based on Ki-67 labeling index should also be considered candidates for this treatment strategy.
- 一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会の論文
Wakasa Tomoko
Department Of Pathology Osaka City University Hospital
Kakudo Kennichi
Department Of 2^<nd> Pathology Wakayama Medical University
Yamashita Hiroyuki
Department Of Collagen Disease National Center For Global Health And Medicine
Ohta Yoshio
Department Of Anesthesia Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Ito Yasuhiro
Department Of Cell Differentiation The Sakaguchi Laboratory School Of Medicine Keio University
Yane Katsunari
Department of Otolaryngology, Nara Hospital, Kinki University School of Medicine, Ikoma, Nara, Japan
Kakudo Kennichi
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Nara Hospital Kinki University Faculty of Medicine, Ikoma-city 630-0293, Japan
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- Prognostic classification of thyroid follicular cell tumors using Ki-67 labeling index: Risk stratification of thyroid follicular cell carcinomas [Review]
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