Effects of defoliation caused by <I>Dendrolimus spectabilis</I> in their outbreak on the growth of matured <I>Pinus strobus</I> in Hokkaido
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An outbreak of <I>Dendrolimus spectabilis</I> caused severe defoliation to age-68 <I>Pinus strobus</I> forest in 1985 in Hokkaido. In 1994, 6 trees were felled and the effects of the defoliation on growth of the trees were analyzed by stem analysis. Mean height growth per 5 years showed a tendency of decreasing from age-46 through 65, though the growth for the 5 years from age-66 through 70 was extremely small. The mean volume increment kept the level of about 0.1 m<SUP>3</SUP> per 5 years from age-16 through 65, that of the period from age-66 through 70 was extremely small. The change of the annual increment showed a clear adverse effect of defoliation continued for 5 years. D. <I>spectabilis</I> seemed to begin increasing their population density at least 2 years before the outbreak year of 1985.
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