- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, we represent a virtual rheology object as the Mass-Spring-Damper (MSD) model. One is the original model whose structure is voxel-lattice. The model consists of many small and uniform voxels. The other is the octree hiearchical model in positioning. The model consists of larger and smaller voxels. All voxels include many MSD basic elements. If a human pushes or pulls such virtual MSD rheology models, both are deformed each other by propagating forces along basic elements. The numbers of masses and basic elements in the octree model are extremely smaller than these in the original model. Therefore, the octree-based model can save the time to calculate force propagation along all the basic elements. Nevertheless, shape deformation of rheology object represented by the octree model is better than or similar to that represented by the original voxel-lattice model. As a result, the octree-based MSD rheology model is quite useful. These properties are ascertained by several experiment and simulation results.
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