Achievements in the Objectives of a Practicum as Seen Through Changes in Awareness of Nursing and Care Techniques in a Basic Nursing Practice
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This study aims to elucidate the level of achievement and the challenges in a basic nursing practicum for second-year nursing students through the association method. Analysis revealed various descriptions of learning through the practicum training experiences in terms of understanding the healthcare environment, planning and implementing daily life assistance, and involvement in building a supportive relationship with a care recipient. In this sense, we can assume that the goal of the practicum was achieved. The studentsʼ attitude toward learning showed an emphasis on knowledge, basics, reasoning, and acquisition of knowledge through experience. At the same time, however, we did not observe descriptions of developing the healthcare environment, understanding the methods of developing healthcare plans, or respect for privacy, thus not indicating whether the goal was achieved. In the future, it is necessary to additionally examine specific details of studentsʼ learning through analyzing their reports.
中村 恵美
井野 恭子
児玉 裕美
柳井 圭子
梁原 裕恵
弓削 なぎさ
産業医科大学 産業保健学部 基礎看護学
山田 美幸
熊本大学大学院 保健学教育部 保健学専攻
鷹居 樹八子
産業医科大学 産業保健学部 基礎看護学
柳井 圭子
日本赤十字九州国際看護大学 基礎看護学
梁原 裕恵
産業医科大学 産業保健学部 産業地域看護学
中村 恵美
産業医科大学 産業保健学部 広域・発達看護学
井野 恭子
椙山女学園大学 看護学部 看護学科
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