Clinical Significance of Serum Carboxypeptidase A Activity
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The Serum carboxypeptidase A activity (CPase) was measured in patients with various diseases using Okuda's colorimetric method. The relationships between CPase and case history, the results of the liver function test and the exocrine function test of the pancreas were studied. The following results were obtained.<BR>(1) The mean CPase in 21 normal subjects was 289.2±3.8 units (U.)(Mean±SE), and no correlation was found between CPase and age of the patients.<BR>(2) CPase in 13 cases of pancreatic cancer verified by laparatomy, and that in 16 cases of chronic pancreatitis, diagnosed by clinical history, physical and laboratory findings, were 168.7±7.5 and 231.6±9.6 U. respectively.<BR>(3) CPase of 14 cases of growth-onset type and 26 cases of adult onset type diabetes were 248.0±22.8 U. and 257.6±6.5 U. respectively. Among these diabetics, relatively lower CPase levels were observed in patients of long duration whose control had been poor.<BR>(4) CPase level in patients with cirrhosis of the liver was 197.3±9.9 U, especially low in heavy drinkers.<BR>(5) In cases of cirrhosis of the liver, significant correlation was observed between CPase and serum albumin concentration (P<0.05) or serum pseudocholinesterase activity (p<0.05).<BR>(6) Relatively low level of CPase was often observed in patients with normal pancreatic exocrine function judged by pancreozymin secretin test.<BR>(7) Low levels of CPase were observed in patients whose pancreatic scanning showed abnormality. The determination of CPase seems to be one of the useful screening methods for pancreatic disorders.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
和田 正久
藤井 暁
関 淳一
山本 雅規
奥田 清
大阪市立大学 臨検査医
藤井 暁
田中 航志郎
山片 重法
西本 儀正
山片 重法
西本 儀正
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