Effects of Thyroid Function on Serum High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ninety seven persons referred for assesment of thyroid function were studied in relation to their thyroid function and fasting serum lipids, especially high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).<BR>In 42 hyperthyroid patients, HDL-C levels were significantly decreased as compared with those of normal subjects. When 7 patients were restudied after restoration of euthyroid state, HDL-C levels were increased from 32.5±6.1 (mean±S. D.) to 55.7±7.4mg/dl (P‹0.05).<BR>In addition, in 16 hypothyroid patients, HDL-C levels were also decreased as compared with those of normalsublects. Furthermore, HDL-C/LDL-C ratios were significantly decreased. When 3 patients were restudied after L-T4 replacement therapy, HDL-C/LDL-C ratios were increased from 1.92±0.18 to 3.11±0.23 (p‹0.05).<BR>From these results, it is suggested that especially in the patient with hypothyroid state, high level of total cholesterol and low level of HDL-C may become a risk factor of ischemic heart diseases.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
藤井 暁
赤井 俊洋
奥田 清
大阪市立大学 臨検査医
藤井 厚男
大阪市立大学付属病院 病理部
北橋 繁
佐藤 幸男
竹村 猛雄
藤井 暁
赤井 俊洋
藤井 厚男
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