Uricosuric effect of diltiazem in oxonate - loaded rats
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The effect of diltiazem on renal uric acid excretion was investigated in urethane anesthetized oxonate - loaded rats. Oxonate - loading was performed by continuous intravenous infusion. Renal function was studied by measuring clearance, and renal blood flow was measured with a laser Doppler flowmeter.<BR>Diltiazem (0.3 mg/kg, i.v.) slightly increased urine volume, remarkably increased urinary excretion of uric acid and uric acid clearance, and showed a tendency to increase glomerular filtration rate and fractional uric acid clearance. It had no effect on plasma uric acid level. In addition, diltiazem induced an increase following a transient decrease in renal cortical blood flow, the decrease was probably due to a drop in blood pressure after i. v. injection.<BR>These data suggest that diltiazem has a uricosuric action and that the mechanism of action of the compound may be related to changes in renal hemodynamics.
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