Statistical Analyses of Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia for Five Consecutive Years.
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In an effort to study whether drug therapy is essential in the treatment of hyperuricemia, the authors examined the serum levels of uric acid and related substances in a total of 112 males who had undergone annual checkups for five consecutive years.<BR>Statistical analyses showed that the uric acid levels at the 5th year's checkup were not necessarily higher than those at the 1st checkup and except in a limited number of subjects with exceedingly high initial levels of 9.0 mg/dl or more, fell within normal ranges.<BR>No convincing cause-effect relationship was obtained between hyperuncemia and various clinical manifestations except gout.<BR>Principle component analyses of test results including serum uric acid showed that the serum uric acid falls in the elderly people-oriented category which includes Rohler's index, LDII, hemoglobin, and blood sugar.
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