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Paralabral cyst is one of the causes of suprascapular nerve palsy at the spinoglenoid notch. We have been performing arthroscopic excision of paralabral cyst since 2005. The purposes of this study were to assess postoperative results and to evaluate recurrence of the cyst.<BR>Eight shoulders of 8 patients were included in this study. All were men and their age at the time of operation was 19-51 years old (avg: 35.8 years old). In all shoulders, paralabral cyst existed near the postero-superior labrum and spread to the spinoglenoid notch. Postero-superior labral tear existed in 7 shoulders. Labral tear was repaired in 3 shoulders of which the labrum at the attachment of the long head of biceps tendon was unstable. In 4 shoulders, debridement of the torn labrum was performed. Postoperative JOA score, MMT of supraspinatus and infraspinatus, and sensory disturbance of suprascapular nerve area were evaluated. Recurrence of the cyst was investigated on MRI at the final follow-up. The average follow-up period was 22.3 months (range, 12-56). <BR>Postoperative JOA score was 91-100 points(avg: 97.1). Preoperatively, decreased MMT of supraspinatus and infraspinatus were observed in 6 shoulders; postoperatively, all but 1 shoulder showed full MMT. Sensory disturbance was observed in 3 shoulders preoperatively, and all shoulders showed intact sensation at the final follow-up.<BR>Arthroscopic excision of paralabral cyst is low-invasive compared to an open procedure. It is considered to be a useful method that demonstrated satisfactory clinical results and no recurrence of the cyst.
船越 忠直
北海道大学 整形外科
大泉 尚美
整形外科北新病院 上肢人工関節 • 内視鏡センター
末永 直樹
整形外科北新病院 上肢人工関節 • 内視鏡センター
船越 忠直
北海道大学大学院 整形外科学分野
大泉 尚美
整形外科北新病院 上肢人工関節 • 内視鏡センター
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