人工肩関節全置換術後のpegged glenoid componentのloosening―X線とCTを用いた評価―
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Although total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) has been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), loosening of the glenoid component has been reported as a major complication. A previous report indicated that loosening of keeled component occurred more frequently compared to pegged component. The purpose of this study was to investigate the CT evaluation of pegged glenoid with the 3rd generation TSA. Seventeen shoulders were treated by pegged glenoid with the 3rd generation TSA, including eight RA, seven OA, and two OA after necrosis. The mean age was 62 years old (range 49 to 78). Radiolucent line or loosening was evaluated with Yian' CT score. No additional operations or obvious loosening of glenoid component were found. Total CT score was 3.2 points. There was no significant difference of score between RA; 3.6 (Range 2 ∼ 6 ) and OA; 2.8 (Range 0 ∼ 5 ). Compared to previous study, the glenoid component could be more stable as the number of peg increased. Our results were similar to the previous study. Better results would be associated with patient selection, cementing technique, and implant design. But we need more cases and long term follow-up.
船越 忠直
北海道大学 整形外科
大泉 尚美
北新病院 上肢人工関節 • 内視鏡センター
末永 直樹
北新病院 上肢人工関節 • 内視鏡センター
船越 忠直
北海道大学大学院 医学研究科 整形外科
門間 太輔
北海道大学大学院 医学研究科 整形外科
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