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<B>Background:</B> The purpose of this study was to evaluate the predictors of fracture-induced avascular necrosis of the humeral head according to our fracture type classification.<BR><B>Methods:</B> Since 2006, 43 comminuted proximal humeral fractures were treated by open surgery with interlocking intramedullary nail. The average age at the time of surgery was 70.1 years. Fracture morphology was assessed with radiographic findings. In Neer's classification, 3part fracture occurred in 31 cases, 3part fracture dislocation occurred in 1, 4part fracture occurred in 7, and 4part fracture dislocation occurred in 4 cases. In our classification, type1; non-dislocated fracture was in 38 cases, type2; extra-articular fracture with dislocation in 4 cases, type3; intra-articular fracture with dislocation in 1 case, and type4; comminuted articular surface fracture in 0.<BR><B>Results:</B> There were 6 cases (13.9%) of avascular necrosis of humeral head. In Neer's classification, 3part fracture occurred in 1 case, 4part fracture occurred in 4 cases, and 4part fracture dislocation occurred in 1 case. In our classification, type1 occurred in 5 cases and type3 occurred in 1 case.<BR><B>Discussion:</B> Perfusion of the humeral head is an important factor when deciding on the treatment of comminuted proximal humeral fractures. We try to predict the incidence of post-traumatic avascular necrosis of the humeral head from the initial fracture type. The existence of medial neck fragment or medial hinge is considered a very important factor even in intracapsular fractures. In our modified classification, we expect that the incidence of necrosis is higher in type1B,3,4.
末永 直樹
整形外科北新病院 上肢人工関節・内視鏡センター
大泉 尚美
整形外科北新病院 上肢人工関節 • 内視鏡センター
山根 慎太郎
北海道社会保険病院 整形外科
吉岡 千佳
北新東病院 整形外科
末永 直樹
整形外科北新病院 上肢人工関節 • 内視鏡センター
吉岡 千佳
北新東病院 上肢人工関節 • 内視鏡センター
大泉 尚美
整形外科北新病院 上肢人工関節 • 内視鏡センター
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