- 論文の詳細を見る
In recent years, the generation of coal ashes from many thermal power stations and various kinds of industries has been increasing. And also soft dredged soils annually disposed in marine area have become a serious geo-environmental problem of various countries. It is difficult to reuse as construction materials due to the fine grain size and flying dust, and the disposal sites of these materials have been decreasing. Therefore, it is very important to reuse these materials. Granulation technique is a method which converts coal ashes and soft cohesive soils into high-strength particles. This is one of the soil improvement methods to make efficient use of these materials. In this study, the granulation technique of these materials was examined. And the geo-material properties of granulated materials were investigated. (1) As making the granulated materials, they were sensitive to the addition volume of water and the best volume of water exists. The grain diameter became uniform by lengthening the granulation time and the uniformity coefficient became small. (2) The aspect ratio A<font size="-1">r</font> of the granulated materials was lower and roundness coefficient R<font size="-1">c</font> was higher than those of natural sands. In other words, the particles of granulated materials were closer to sphere than those of natural sands but their surfaces were rougher. It was clear that single particle crushing strength of granulated materials was lower than that of natural sands though it depends on being low the additive rate for cement. (3) Shear behaviour of granulated materials was similar one of sand with particle breakage. In each granulated material to which the coefficient of curvature is similar, it was also shown that the particle strength correlated well with the secant angle obtained from shear tests and it was possible to estimate the shear strength of granulated materials.
- 平成21年7月21日山口県防府地区で発生した土砂災害
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- 2.粒子特性の評価と実問題 : その2(粒子特性の評価と工学的意義)
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- 13-325 工学教育へ特化した短期留学プログラムの導入((18)国際化時代における工学教育-III)
- 8.講座を終えるにあたって(粒子特性の評価と工学的意義)
- 1.講座を始めるにあたって(粒子特性の評価と工学的意義)
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- 2343 メタンハイドレートの力学特性に与える諸要因
- 山口大学 地盤工学研究室
- 5.粒子強度の評価と土の挙動(粒子特性の評価と工学的意義)
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