Inducing effect of carbamazepine on oxidative drug-metabolizing enzymes in children.
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The inducing effect of carbamazepine (CBZ), an antiepileptic agent, on hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes in children, receiving CBZ with and without phenobarbital (PB), has been studied. The ratio of 6β-Phydroxycortisol (6β-OHF) to 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (17- OHCS) in urine was measured to evaluate individual oxidative drugmetabolizing capacity.<BR>The ratio in the group receiving CBZ was 0. 113 ± 0. 048 (mean ± S. D.) and the group receiving PB was 0. 080 ± 0. 028, showing significant elevation from the steady level (0. 031 ± 0. 008) which was the ratio in the normal group.<BR>In the group receiving CBZ and PB simultaneously, the ratio (0. 182 ± 0. 074) was over six times that in the normal group ; moreover, it was significantly higher than those in the groups receiving CBZ and PB alone.<BR>These results indicate that intensity of enzyme-inducing effect of CBZ, in children, is comparable to that of PB and even more increased by the combined use of PB.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
田中 和彦
島田 司巳
滋賀医科大学 小児科
小野 彪
島川 治巳
島田 司巳
小西 広巳
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