- 論文の詳細を見る
The Beliefs about disease which is considered to be underlying the health behavior of each individual was compared between housewives and student nurses. Each individual to be surveyed was requested to name any one or more out of the given 30 sicknesses or wounds as: A) fearful, B) not fearful, but abominable, C) ashamed of, D) being pride of, and E) desirable so as to like to acquire it. The answer was given anonymously, but with age, education and occupation being specified. The findings were as follows: 1) As group A, stomach cancer, leukemia and intracerebral hemorrhage, were give at high percentages. As group B, dental carious, skin diseases, and myopia ranked high. There was difference between housewives and student nurses in the order feared sicknesses and wounds. 2) The diseases and wounds given as examples contained 6 chronic diseases, which are generally classified under so-called adult diseases. None or only one of them were named either as feared group or as abominated group B by 108 housewives, and only by 7 student nurses. They were designated as the adult disease low concerned group. 3) Housewives belonging to this gorup were concentrated among the low-educated (middle school graduates), the healthy ones confident of their own present health, and those having over optimistic health views.
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