- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper deals with the regional differences in maternal mortality rates and the factors involved in them in Gifu Prefecture. The results obtained are as follows: 1. There were found the regional differences in maternal mortality rates for the period 1964-1976. 2. Maternal mortality rates were lowest in the age group 20-24, but increased at ages 35 and over. 3. Maternal mortality rates were negatively correlated with birth rates and the percent population served by public water supply system. On the other hand, the rates were positively correlated with the proportion of delivery at ages 35 and over, the proportion of out-of-institution delivery, and the percent population engaged in the primary industries. 4. Since above valiables associated with the maternal mortality rates, showed a significant correlation with one another, the partial and multiple coefficients were calculated. These observations indicated that the rates were closely related to the proportion of delivery at ages 35 and over the proportion of out-of-institution delivery.
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