- 論文の詳細を見る
This report discusses the rates of positive-findings in the regular medical examination for workers based on the scale of company. The information was collected from the medical examination facilities, which joined the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Examination Facilities Council for Industrial Health (To San Ken Kyo). Questionnaires were distributed to the 40 medical examination facilities which joined "To San Ken Kyo" in June, 2002 and were collected on the 20th of September. There were three kinds of questionnaires. Questionnaires for rates of positive-findings by sex and age, questionnaires for rates of positive-findings by sex, age and scale of company, and questionnaires for rates of positive-findings by sex, age and type of industry. In this report, the results were calculated from the survey for rates of positive-findings by sex, age and scale of company. The questionnaire asked for the sex, age and item-specific numbers of workers who underwent a medical examination and the numbers of workers with positive results, and the sex and age specific numbers of workers who had positive-findings in one or more of the medical examination items. Age classification was based on 5 year groupings. The examination included hearing acuity at 1,000Hz and 4,000Hz, chest X-ray examination, blood pressure, anemia examination, liver function examination, blood lipid examination, blood sugar examination, urinary sugar, urinary protein, electrocardiogram and obesity. The scale of company was divided into companies with less than 50 workers and companies with 50 workers or more. Six facilities responded to the questionnaire for positive rates by sex, age and size of company. The subjects of the analysis were 277,855 males, 92,659 females and 370,514 in total. When sorted according to age, the rates of workers with positive-findings were significantly higher in the companies with less than 50 workers at all ages for males and except 65 or more workers for females compared with those with 50 or more. The age adjusted rates of workers with positive-findings was also significantly higher in the company with less than 50 workers compared with those with 50 or more. When the results were sorted according to age, the rates of positive findings were significantly higher in the companies with less than 50 workers compared with those with 50 or more in most ages for hearing acuity at 4,000Hz and blood pressure in males, and liver function examination, blood lipid examination, urinary sugar, urinary protein, electrocardiogram and obesity in both sexes. The age-adjusted rates of positive findings were significantly less than in companies with 50 workers compared with those with 50 or more for blood pressure in males, and hearing acuity at 4,000Hz, liver function examination, blood lipid examination, blood sugar examination, urinary sugar, electrocardiogram and obesity in both sexes. Analyzing the data from the regular medical examination for workers carrying out in the workplace, the rates of positive findings were significantly higher in the companies with less than 50 workers compared with those with 50 or more in most items of examination.
- 岐阜医療科学大学の論文
牧野 茂徳
牧野 茂徳
岐阜大学 医学部看護学科
牧野 茂徳
玉置 真理子
牧野 茂徳
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