- 論文の詳細を見る
133 male students aged 19-20 were classified into the following 3 groups; irritable persons, complain or no complain persons using criteria of CMI Q item. These subjects were loaded 90 watt 20 minutes by bicycle ergometer. Triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (T-chol) and HDL cholesterol (HDL-chol) were measured before and after the physical load. The relationship between irritability and the observed values were analyzed by comparing with the values of the groups. (1)Irritable persons showed significantly higher level of TG, but lower level of HDL-chol than those of the other groups. (2)The relationship between TG level and HDL-chol showed significantly negative correlation of r=-0.48. (3)By bicycle load, irritable persons showed a higher changed rate of TG and a lower changed rate of HDL-chol than those of the other groups. (4)In irritable persons, there was significant higher correlation between the changed values of TG and T-chol by physical load (r=0.46), but we could not find out this relationship in the other groups. (5)Fifty percent of irritable persons showed A type behaviour. From these results, irritable persons show the tendency of A type behaviour, high TG level and low HDL-chol, and also high changed value of T-chol by load. Thus, it seems that the early detection of irritable person by screening using CMI and doing them the consulting may be effective to prevent the vascular disease.
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