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Growth hormone (GH) responses to L-dopa, 2-Br-α-ergocryptine (CB-154), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH), glucagon and glucose were investigated in six patients with active acromegaly. The following results were obtained.<BR>1) Subcutaneous injection of 1 mg glucagon caused a clear-cut decrease in plasma GH levels in 5 out of 6 active acromegalic patients at 30 minutes after the injection. In 2 out of 6 patients a rebound of plasma GH was observed.<BR>2) In three out of six patients with active acromegaly, oral administration of 0. 5 g L-dopa caused a significant suppression of plasma GH levels.<BR>3) CB-154 (2. 5 mg) administered orally elicited a marked decrease in plasma G11 levels in the same three patients who showed a significant suppressive GH response to L-dopa, and the inhibitory effect of CB-154 on GH secretion lasted for 6 hours. These patients who had a GH response to L-dopa or CB-154 were named "responders".<BR>4) Intravenous administration of TRH resulted in a significant increase in plasma GH in 4 patients 3 of whom were responders and the other a non-responder.<BR>5) Pretreatment with CB-154 did not modify the TRH-induced GH increase in all patients who had a positive response to TRH.<BR>6) A significant increase in plasma GH was elicited by the intravenous injection of 100 μg LH-RH in 3 out of 6 patients with acromegaly.<BR>7) When oral administration of CB-154 had been given 2 hours before LH-RH, the GH response to LH-RH was blunted in two of three patients who had a LH-RH-induced increase in plasma GH levels.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
大藤 眞
小川 紀雄
高原 二郎
細木 秀美
青木 佳之
山内 治郎
小川 紀雄
小川 紀雄
大藤 眞
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