Immunological methods for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases
- リンパ球由来 Colony Inhibition Factor の In Vitro Assay とその臨床応用
- 低K血症および若年性高血圧を合併した眼窩腫瘍hemangiopericytomaによる異所性renin産生腫瘍の1症例
- Cogan症候群の1例
- 乳癌患者におけるProlactin及びTSH
- Acromegaly患者に於ける各種薬物負荷による血漿成長ホルモンの反応性についての検討
- ラット下垂体ホルモン分泌に及ぼすγ-Oryzanolの影響
- 正常人に於ける各種下垂体ホルモン分泌に及ぼす2-Br-α-Ergocryptineの影響
- Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) を用いた抗thyroglobulin抗体の検索
- Opioid radioreceptor assayの基礎的研究
- Immunological methods for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases
- Detection of anti-nuclear, anti-single stranded DNA, and antilymphocyte antibody in normal population, medical stuffs of SLE clinic and non-SLE clinic
- Relationship between anti-DNA antibody and anti-lymphocyte antibody in active and inactive SLE sera
- Autoimmune hematological diseases
- Functional abnormalities of lymphocytes and their repair by N-(2-carboxyphenyl)-4-chloroanthranilic acid disodium salt (CCA) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis