小型霊長類, マーモセットの下垂体一副腎皮質機能
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It was reported previously that marmoset monkeys have extremely high plasma levels of unconjugated cortisol in resting as well as ACTH-stimulated conditions. These findings led us to investigate whether or not marmoset monkeys show the symptoms of Cushing's syndrome. Twenty-three adult marmoset monkeys (cotton topped tamarins) were used with 49 adult rhesus monkeys as controls. Serum total corticoids were measured by a competitive protein binding assay, serum aldosterone by a radioimmunoassay, and glucocorticoid receptor in the liver was determined by a radioreceptor assay.<BR>The standard dexamethasone suppression test (0.04 mg/kg/day × 2, 0.16 mg/kg/day × 2) revealed proper suppression in the rhesus monkeys but no suppression in the marmosets. The latter finding is similar to the situation observed in Cushing's syndrome in man and suggests poor suppression of pituitary ACTH by the excessive glucocorticoids. The adrenocortical histology showed hyperplasia of fasciculata and reticularis cells. The hemogram and blood chemistry in the marmoset monkeys were similar to those in the rhesus monkeys, except for hyperglycemia. The mean resting serum aldosterone level was higher than that in both man and in the rhesus monkey. No hypokalemia was found. It has been reported that marmoset monkeys show extremely high plasma levels of estrogen and progesterone without any clinical symptoms due to the excess of these hormones.<BR>Thus, in the present experiment it was found that the pituitary-adrenocortical relationship in the marmoset monkeys seemed to be compatible with that in Cushing's syndrome in man but was not accompanied by any clinical symptoms due to excessive cortisol.<BR>This may suggest that this unresponsiveness to cortisol in marmoset monkeys is derived from the small amount of glucocorticoid receptor and presumably from the lower function of the post receptor system.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
谷岡 功邦
谷岡 功邦
鳥居 隆三
(財) 実験動物中央研究所, 内分泌研究室
宇津 佐知子
(財) 実験動物中央研究所, 内分泌研究室
谷岡 功邦
(財) 実験動物中央研究所, 内分泌研究室
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