- 論文の詳細を見る
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus with sodium tolubutamide injection gives better results than with glucose tolerance test. However, the injection time is long and it has side-effects. Boshell has published that 2 grams of sodium tolbutamide with 4 grams of sodium bicorbonate given orally is simpler and has less side-effects. Boshell's method was tested but fayorable results were not obtained, probably due to an excessive amount for the Japanese. A lower dosage of 1 gram of sodium tolbutamide with 2 grams of sodium bicarbonate given orally produced good results. Blood sugar level was measured before oral intake and 20, 30, 40, 60 and 120 minutes after oral intake. The levels fell progressively in diabetic patients and the value at 120 minutes was above 80% of that before administration. Marked decrease was noted after 40 minutes of about 50% more than before administration on non-diabetic patrints. In the end, the sugar level returned to the former value. Investigations on diabetic patients and non-diabetic patients were possible.<BR>Similarly, the fall of blood sugar value in various diseases were examined. The fall and return of the sugar levels in steroid-diabetic and hepatic diseases were rather slight almost similar to that of non-diabetic patients. In renal disease the pattern was almost similar to that of diabetic patients although the fall is rather slight. In patients with liver cirrhosis, there were two groups of which one is similar to that of diabetic patients and the other to that of non-diabetic patients, and abnormal sugar metabolism of pancreatic and hepatic were diagnosed.<BR>The method thus devised is more applicable to Japanese than that of Boshell's, with simpler administration of injection, and has no side-effects. This diagnostic method for diabetic mellitus has proved to be better than the others.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
石上 隆一
岡田 博行
塩谷 茂
門田 一郎
吉田 著
河田 利延
秋山 喜昭
大本 潤子
名取 弘道
川合 日出雄
秋山 喜昭
大本 潤子
岡田 博行
名取 弘道
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